USPS Signature Confirmation

What Is Signature Confirmation™?
The USPS offers a service called Signature Confirmation™ that gives shippers extra peace of mind by requiring a signature from the recipients of their packages. Although USPS Tracking® proves that a package was delivered to a particular address, Signature Confirmation™ proves that it was received by the intended recipient or his agent.
How Does Signature Confirmation™ Work?
Signature Confirmation™ is an additional service that can be added to certain mail classes and must be purchased at the time of mailing. If you are sending mail at the Post Office, you can purchase this special service at your local Post Office. If you are sending mail using, you can add this service to your mailpiece before printing postage.
Benefits of using for Signature Confirmation™ makes mailing with Signature Confirmation™ more convenient and cost-effective. customers have access to a $0.55 discount compared to Signature Confirmation™ retail rates. In addition to the cost savings, with you can save time by printing postage for all of your mailings without a trip to the Post Office. Skip the Post Office and save with!
$60 in free postage and supplies when you sign up!
- $5 in free postage added to your account
- 5 lb digital scale (only pay for S&H)
- Free mailing and shipping supplies kit
- Risk-free 30-day trial
- No long-term contracts. Cancel anytime.