Whether you have a question about shipping or just want to learn more about us, we’ve got the resources you need and a team of real people on your side.
We’ve packed this page with all the resources you’ll need and the people who can help you find them.
Got a question? Talk to live customer support when you need a real person.
Curious about setting up Stamps.com for your business? Our sales team would love to help you get started.
Looking for information about Stamps.com? Shoot us a note and we’ll help with your story.
Whether you’re a carrier, an ecommerce platform, or a technology provider, we have a wide network of partners who can make short work of sending. See what tapping into our network can do for your business.
With our connection to the Auctane ecosystem of global delivery experiences and our passion for simplifying sending, there’s always more to discover with Stamps.com.
Print your own postage in seconds and get up to 88% off* USPS® and UPS® rates. Start your 30-day, risk-free trial and get your first $5 on us.