Showing 41 - 60 of 91
Free Webinar for eBay Sellers, Holiday Shipping Best Practices

Free Webinar for eBay Sellers, Holiday Shipping Best Practices

Update:  Here is the recording from the Oct 26 Holiday Shipping Best Practices for eBay Sellers webinar: The holiday season is the busiest shipping period of the year. Are you prepared with the latest money and time-saving tools and techniques to keep your eBay business running efficiently and your customers satisfied? Join Mark Le Vine from […]

How To Start Planning for the Holiday Season — In July

How To Start Planning for the Holiday Season — In July

The weather outside may not be frightful…but successful e-commerce is so delightful! And just imagine how delightful it will feel just a few months from now when you fully appreciate your advance preparation for the 2019 holiday season. Remember, many retailers find November and December alone makes up as much as 30 percent of their yearly […]

The ABCs of SEO

The ABCs of SEO

  Looking for more online exposure for your ecommerce business? Then you ought to be paying attention to search engine optimization (SEO). By helping search engines understand your site and what you’re selling, SEO in return does a better job of listing your site when certain terms come up in user searches. Because an A-to-Z […]

Keeping Your Home Office Organized

Keeping Your Home Office Organized

  New Year’s resolutions are all about self-improvement. Why not start with your mailing and shipping setup? With, you have the power to transform your home office into an efficient and powerful mailing and shipping center! Here are some tips to get started.   Keep Supplies Organized and Available   Boxes and supplies can create […]

6 Crowdfunding Tips For Your Ecommerce Endeavors

6 Crowdfunding Tips For Your Ecommerce Endeavors

Looking for capital? These days, finding a cash outlay for your business endeavors can be as simple as setting up a crowdfunding website. Popular sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo have changed the way businesses seek investors, making it easier than ever for companies and contributors to connect. Better yet, crowdfunding eliminates some of typical conditions […]

6 Proven Methods to Grow Your Business

6 Proven Methods to Grow Your Business

Are you ready to expand your ecommerce business? Stay a step ahead of your company’s growth by planning and preparing for new opportunities with these six ideas. Attract new customers Look into implementing a referral program both to leverage existing customers and draw in their own contacts to your site, and use social media to […]

Why Customer Service is So Important for Your Ecommerce Business

Why Customer Service is So Important for Your Ecommerce Business

Take care of your shoppers and if you do it well, your shoppers will take care of you. How? Prompt and thoughtful customer service, regardless of the issue at hand, can mean the difference between a one-time buyer and a loyal repeat customer. Recent figures indicate that 82 percent of clients stop doing business with […]

Shipping Policy Best Practices

Shipping Policy Best Practices

Clearly laying out shipping policies on your ecommerce website helps your customers better manage their expectations and helps your position as the seller should there be a dispute. Here are tips to help ensure all shoppers understand your ecommerce store’s shipping methods, options and timelines. – Start fresh and be clear. Although it may be […]

5 Tips for Easy Holiday Shipping

5 Tips for Easy Holiday Shipping

Follow these simple tips to maxmize your shipping just in time for the holidays. #1 Ship Products as Fast as Possible During the holidays, expectations for delivery are high and tolerance for delays is low. Try to ship products out the same day the order was placed to keep customers happy! Maintain an accurate list […]

Print USPS Postage from Inside QuickBooks Software (Beta)

Print USPS Postage from Inside QuickBooks Software (Beta)

New Plug-in for QuickBooks software (BETA) has exciting news for all our customers who use QuickBooks accounting software. As you know, QuickBooks is the most popular accounting program for small businesses throughout the US. While our current QuickBooks plug-in for the software allowed you to easily import addresses into the software […]

Simple Step to Start Selling into International Markets

Simple Step to Start Selling into International Markets

There are over 1 Billion buyers worldwide and e-commerce sales are expected to be over 1.5 TRILLION dollars in 2014 (Source: eMarketer) — that is 20% higher than 2013! The international market is a HUGE opportunity for online retailers and it’s only getting bigger. International buyers want U.S. products and buying directly from the source is […]

4 Tips to Buy a Domain Name and Build a Website

4 Tips to Buy a Domain Name and Build a Website

As the world becomes more technologically savvy with each passing year, the importance of having a website continues to increase. And while creating a website is becoming easier and more accessible through hosting companies like, it is establishing the online presence needed to make that website powerful that can seem more complicated. How can […]

Social Technology Your Business Can’t Miss

Social Technology Your Business Can’t Miss

Maintaining your company’s Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, and other social accounts in tandem can be a labor-intensive undertaking. However, social technology tools exist that make posting content, monitoring mentions, and providing service an easy, innovative, streamlined process. From your improving your online marketing efforts, to empowering your sales team – read on to see how […]

3 Ways to Thank Your Customers Using

3 Ways to Thank Your Customers Using

3 Ways to Thank Your Customers Using As the holidays get closer, don’t forget to say “thanks” to the customers who buy your products or services. Most businesses forget this simple step and a small note can make a big difference in helping your business stand out from the competition. has several features […]

Tips on Staying Organized for Small Business Owners

Tips on Staying Organized for Small Business Owners

Do you know where your important documents are? As a small business owner, you have to deal with many important documents like your tax forms, lease agreements, mortgage papers, receipts, invoices, purchase orders and more! Are they all together in one safe, organized place? Probably not. You most likely have some of your documents stored in […]

Top 10 Questions & Video: 101 Tips for Holiday E-commerce Webinar

Top 10 Questions & Video: 101 Tips for Holiday E-commerce Webinar recently held a webinar on tips for online retailers to increase revenue during the holidays that was presented by e-commerce leader Volusion.  If you missed the webinar, watch the recording below: (video) During the webinar, we had a ton of great questions regarding how e-commerce sellers can customize their sites for the holidays, start […]

Top 8 Questions from Email Marketing Webinar

Top 8 Questions from Email Marketing Webinar recently held a webinar on email marketing for small business owners that was presented by email marketing leader Silverpop.  If you missed the webinar, watch the recording below: [field name=iframe] During the webinar, we had many questions regarding how business owners can start an email marketing program as well as questions on building lists, […]

Transcript of Social Marketing for Small Business Webinar

Transcript of Social Marketing for Small Business Webinar hosted a webinar titled Social Marketing for Small Business on November 17, 2010.  (Click Here to view the recorded webinar.) The presenter was John “ColderIce” Lawson from  The topic was developing a social marketing plan for the small business owner.  Here is the transcript from the webinar:  Eric Nash from Hello everyone.  I want […]

3 Ways to Go Green at Your Office

3 Ways to Go Green at Your Office

Going green at the office doesn’t have to be difficult, small and simple changes can actually make a huge impact on the environment.  Most people, when they think about going green, start at home. This is a great first step, but in reality we spend a lot of time at work.  We have outlined three […]

3 Ways to Build Your Fan Base on Facebook

3 Ways to Build Your Fan Base on Facebook

Facebook started out as a social network for connecting students at college and has grown into a network for  connecting everybody for anything. Many people have a personal profile on Facebook, and they use it to keep up with friends and family through photos and status updates. Over time, businesses have found it to be […]

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