Effective June 30, 2024, USPS® discontinued all Information Based Indicia (IBI) postage meter technology and required all postage meters to upgrade to a new system called Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI). The bad news for organizations that are leasing postage meters: Devices that are not compliant will be withdrawn from service by December 2024. The good news for Stamps.com customers: Migration to IMI has happened automatically as of December 2024, and there’s nothing you need to do on your end.
Key dates and takeaways
- USPS decertified all postage meters using IBI on June 30, 2024
- USPS will no longer accept decertified postage after December 31, 2024
- IBI has been used for over 20+ years; IMI is a major update and shift for USPS
- Stamps.com customers don’t need to take any action
Stamps.com customers can rest easy
What does this change mean and how did these changes affect your business? Let’s start with the basics: Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI) is the technology postage meters use to send information to USPS. Effective June 30, 2024, any postage meters still using IBI were decertified; however, USPS will accept postage from decertified meters until December 31, 2024.
After this time, your postage meter will require IMI technology to remain in use; meaning, if you are currently leasing a postage meter from Pitney Bowes, Quadient, and others, you’ll have to physically replace your postage meters to meet IMI compliance–not a fun task. Imagine going to the Apple store to take your phone in every time there is a software update. Quite the disruption, not to mention an antiquated way of going about technology.
The good news is that Stamps.com customers have been migrated to IMI as of December 2024. We’ve made sure no changes will be needed on your end so you can continue focusing on your business without any interruptions or holdups. Our NetStamps® postage won’t require any updates, and we eliminated the need for special equipment so that you can buy and print postage online from anywhere at any time.
While no action was necessary, IMI and its benefits are worth understanding.
What is Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI)?
As previously stated, Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI) is the technology postage meters use to send information to USPS. Indicia, or Permit Imprint Indicia, is a form of printed postage that takes the place of a traditional stamp or postage meter marking. IBI, like IMI, is a form of printed postage: It was created to provide USPS with more centralized data and heightened security.
After two decades of IBI, USPS has been rolling out IMI over the last ten years. IMI is built off of IBI but has more up-to-date technology. To align with their ten-year initiative, USPS will now enforce adoption of IMI for all postage meters, meaning all hardware and software.
How does IMI benefit me?
IMI comes with a few advantages. Some of these include:
- Enhanced security
- Increased mail efficiency
- Automated and streamlined returns
With Stamps.com, you get all the benefits of IMI without having to worry about physically replacing your postage meters.
Enhanced security
IMI provides even more data encryption and fraud protection. Encrypted data prevents your information from being accessed or stolen. Also, increased security checks are more likely to flag fraudulent activity sooner.
Increased mail efficiency
IMI lays the groundwork for automating tasks that could otherwise cause delays. Avoiding these delays can lead to faster delivery times and shortened wait times. This new technology also decreases the likelihood of adjustments given to incorrect measurements.
Automated and efficient returns
IMI allows for more detailed tracking so that you can track refunds with ease. IMI barcodes also include easily accessible information like insurance, keeping everything in one place.
Did these changes impact my mailing and shipping?
This change will take place automatically for Stamps.com customers: Our team has implemented these changes ahead of the Dec. 30, 2024 deadline, making sure your workflow won’t be interrupted or affected and that your postage meters comply with the new regulations.
If you have any questions about these changes, please contact our Support team via email or phone at (855) 608-2677, Monday through Friday, from 8AM to 8PM CT, and we’ll be happy to chat with you.
Do I need to update my postage meter?
For Stamps.com customers, no, but if you are leasing a postage meter from Pitney Bowes, Quadient, and others, these changes likely were unexpected, expensive, time-consuming, and complicated – even more tedious, you’ll be forced to replace your postage meters before December 30, 2024 to comply with IMI. While those who leased machines were inconvenienced, those who bought machines were left in a serious bind. You’ll also need to contact your provider about their IMI adoption plan.
We’re excited to showcase the benefits of IMI while making sure the transition continues to be smooth sailing.
Are you part of a multi-location organization looking to switch to Stamps.com so you can avoid costly updates and frustrating changes to your postage meters? Submit the form below and our team will be in touch!