The U.S. Postal Service provides multiple shipping services for international parcel delivery, shipping to more than 180 countries. Depending on the service you choose, delivery times vary from 3 days for expedited services to over 20 days for economical options. The USPS also offers flat rate options for Priority Mail Express International and Priority Mail International delivery.

Similar to domestic services, USPS international shipping services will see a postage rate increase starting on Sunday, January 9, 2022. The analysis below highlights the 2022 USPS rate increase for INTERNATIONAL shipping:

First Class Package International Service

First Class Package International Service is the USPS’ most affordable international service for the delivery of small packages. The maximum weight for this mail class is four pounds, and delivery time can be up to 20 days depending on delivery location.

  • First Class Package International Service rates have increased by an average of 4.2%.
  • Purchasing First Class Package International Service online using offers a 5% discount compared to rates at the Post Office.
  • In 2022, lower weight packages are seeing a higher average rate increase:
    a) Up to 1 lb. = 4.0% average rate increase
    b) Up to 2 lbs. = 4.0% average rate increase
    c) Up to 3 lbs. = 2.7% average rate increase
    d) Up to 4 lbs. = 1.5% average rate increase
  • France (Country Group 15) and Germany (Country Group 16) are seeing significantly higher rate increases compared to other countries for packages weighing 8 ounces or less. France and Germany are seeing a 11.3% increases, which is a minimum increase of $1.56. The United Kingdom (Country Group 20) is seeing a 9.8% increase, with a minimum increase of $1.52 for packages weighing 8 ounces or less.

Priority Mail International

Priority Mail International is a cost-effective service that delivers mailpieces and packages weighing up to 70 pounds. This mail class offers international delivery in 6-10 days.

  • Priority Mail International rates have increased by an average of 3.7%.
  • Purchasing Priority Mail International online using offers a 5% discount compared to rates at the Post Office.
  • Priority Mail International rates are increasing significantly, with a minimum increase of $1.76 (1 lb., Country Group 2) up to $19.52 (70 lbs., Country Group 8).
  • Priority Mail International Flat Rate Products are increasing, with the Flat Rate Envelope increasing by a minimum of $1.31 (Country Group 2) to the Large Flat Rate Box increasing by $4.37 (Country Group 7).
  • Canada: Shipping Zones 1.1 and 1.2 are seeing rates increase significantly with a minimum increase of $1.75 (1 lb.) to a maximum of $10.70 (66 lbs.).
  • Canada: Zones 1.5 through 1.8 are all seeing a reduction in shipping rates. The decrease ranges from $0.77 (Zone 1.4, 1 lb.) to $51.66 cheaper (Zone 1.8, 66 lbs.).
  • Canada: Shipping Zone 1.3 is mixed, with some weights seeing a reduction $0.04 (Zone 1.3, 7 lbs.) to an increase of $0.63 (Zone 1.3, 57 lbs.).

Priority Mail Express International

Priority Mail Express International offers date-specific delivery and a money-back guarantee when shipping to select countries, with delivery in 3-5 days. The maximum allowable package weight for Priority Mail Express International is 70 pounds.

  • Priority Mail Express International rates will increase by an average of 3.2% in 2022.
  • Purchasing Priority Mail Express International online using offers a 5% discount compared to rates at the Post Office.
  • In 2022, the rate increase is impacting lower weight packages more than higher weight packages. Packages weighing 1 to 5 lbs. are seeing an average rate increase of 4.9%. Packages weighing 51 to 55 lbs. are seeing an average rate increase of 4.2%.
  • Priority Mail Express International increases range from $2.10 at (0.5 lbs., Country Group 1) to $22.60 (66 lbs., Country Group 14).

Global Express Guaranteed

Global Express Guaranteed is the USPS’ fastest international service. This service offers date-specific delivery in one to three business days to over 190 countries. FedEx manages transportation and delivery.

  • Global Express Guaranteed rates will increase by an average of 2.3% in 2022.
  • Purchasing Global Express Guaranteed online using offers a 5% discount compared to rates at the Post Office.
  • Global Express Guaranteed rates will not be increasing for parcels weighing up to 2 lbs., except for Country Group 4 (Africa, Eastern Europe).
  • Country Group 4 (Africa, Eastern Europe) is seeing a big rate increase for all weights, with prices increasing from $5.04 (half pound) to $90.58 (70 lbs.). Will Automatically Update to the New USPS International Rates on January 9, 2022 will automatically update all USPS international shipping rates inside the software and web-based version ( Online) on Sunday, January 9, 2022. If you are a customer, no additional actions are needed and you will AUTOMATICALLY see the 2022 USPS rates in the platform.

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