If you ship merchandise to international addresses and your product is thin (between 1/4″ and 3/4″ thick), then you should be taking advantage of Stamps.com’s Global Advantage Program!   The program utilizes the USPS delivery network and allows online retailers to ship merchandise to an international address using a Large Envelope (Flat) mailpiece.

How Does it Work?

With the Global Advantage Program, mailpieces will travel to a Postal Processing Facility in the U.S. first where Customs Forms will be applied along with a new label containing the international destination address. Then mailpieces are consolidated by country and sent on to their international destination.

label international flats to us facility

Benefits of Global Advantage Program:

  • Ship merchandise in the cost efficient Large Envelope (Flat) mailpiece to international destinations
  • Incredible cost savings – save up to 49% compared to First Class Package International Service
  • Customs Forms will be sent electronically – no more forms to print
  • Get better visibility with more tracking events

Save Up to 49% Compared to First Class Package International Service

This new International Large Envelope (Flat) service can provide huge cost savings compared to First Class Package International Service.  Savings can be over $8.00 per Large Envelope (Flat), depending on weight and country destination!

First Class Package
International Service
Stamps.com International Flats
Weight Zone 1
Zone 1
Savings with Stamps.com International Flats
1 $9.98 $6.99 $2.99
2 $9.98 $7.20 $2.78
3 $9.98 $7.41 $2.57
4 $9.98 $7.61 $2.37
5 $9.98 $7.82 $2.16
6 $9.98 $8.03 $1.95
7 $9.98 $8.24 $1.74
8 $9.98 $8.45 $1.53
12 $16.39 $9.49 $6.90
16 – 1 lb. $16.39 $10.53 $5.86
20 $16.39 $11.57 $4.82
24 $16.39 $12.61 $3.78
28 $16.39 $13.65 $2.74
32 – 2 lb. $16.39 $14.69 $1.70
36 $24.94 $15.73 $9.21
40 $24.94 $16.78 $8.16
44 $24.94 $17.82 $7.12
48 – 3 lb. $24.94 $18.86 $6.08
52 $37.05 $19.90 $17.15
56 $37.05 $20.94 $16.11
60 $37.05 $21.98 $15.07
64 – 4 lb. $37.05 $23.02 $14.03
Rates as of January 27, 2019
First Class Package
International Service
Stamps.com International Flats
Weight (oz) Zone 2
Zone 2
Savings with Stamps.com International Flats
1 $11.64 $6.99 $4.65
2 $11.64 $7.67 $3.97
3 $11.64 $8.34 $3.30
4 $11.64 $9.02 $2.62
5 $11.64 $9.70 $1.94
6 $11.64 $10.37 $1.27
7 $11.64 $11.05 $0.59
8 $11.64 $11.73 -$0.09
12 $20.43 $13.18 $7.25
16 – 1 lb. $20.43 $14.64 $5.79
20 $20.43 $16.10 $4.33
24 $20.43 $17.56 $2.87
28 $20.43 $19.01 $1.42
32 – 2 lb. $20.43 $20.47 -$0.04
36 $31.35 $21.93 $9.42
40 $31.35 $23.39 $7.96
44 $31.35 $24.84 $6.51
48 – 3 lb. $31.35 $26.30 $5.05
52 $45.13 $27.76 $17.37
56 $45.13 $29.22 $15.91
60 $45.13 $30.67 $14.46
64 – 4 lb. $45.13 $32.13 $13.00
Rates as of January 27, 2019
First Class Package
International Service
Stamps.com International Flats
Weight (oz) Zone 3
Zone 3
Savings with Stamps.com International Flats
1 $13.54 $6.99 $6.55
2 $13.54 $7.93 $5.61
3 $13.54 $8.86 $4.68
4 $13.54 $9.80 $3.74
5 $13.54 $10.74 $2.80
6 $13.54 $11.67 $1.87
7 $13.54 $12.61 $0.93
8 $13.54 $13.55 -$0.01
12 $22.33 $15.42 $6.91
16 – 1 lb. $22.33 $17.30 $5.03
20 $22.33 $19.17 $3.16
24 $22.33 $21.04 $1.29
28 $22.33 $22.92 -$0.59
32 – 2 lb. $22.33 $24.79 -$2.46
36 $33.25 $26.67 $6.58
40 $33.25 $28.54 $4.71
44 $33.25 $30.41 $2.84
48 – 3 lb. $33.25 $32.29 $0.96
52 $50.11 $34.16 $15.95
56 $50.11 $36.03 $14.08
60 $50.11 $37.91 $12.20
64 – 4 lb. $50.11 $39.78 $10.33
Rates as of January 27, 2019
First Class Package
International Service
Stamps.com International Flats
Weight (oz) Zone 4
Russia/Eastern Europe
Zone 4
Russia/Eastern Europe
Savings with Stamps.com International Flats
1 $13.54 $6.99 $6.55
2 $13.54 $7.93 $5.61
3 $13.54 $8.86 $4.68
4 $13.54 $9.80 $3.74
5 $13.54 $10.74 $2.80
6 $13.54 $11.67 $1.87
7 $13.54 $12.61 $0.93
8 $13.54 $13.55 -$0.01
12 $22.80 $15.42 $7.38
16 – 1 lb. $22.80 $17.30 $5.50
20 $22.80 $19.17 $3.63
24 $22.80 $21.04 $1.76
28 $22.80 $22.92 -$0.12
32 – 2 lb. $22.80 $24.79 -$1.99
36 $34.91 $26.67 $8.24
40 $34.91 $28.54 $6.37
44  $34.91 $30.41 $4.50
48 – 3 lb.  $34.91 $32.29 $2.62
52 $56.53 $34.16 $22.37
56 $56.53 $36.03 $20.50
60 $56.53 $37.91 $18.62
64 – 4 lb. $56.53 $39.78 $16.75
Rates as of January 27, 2019
First Class Package
International Service
Stamps.com International Flats
Weight (oz) Zone 5 – UK/Western Europe Zone 5 – UK/Western Europe Savings with Stamps.com International Flats
1 $13.54 $6.99 $6.55
2 $13.54 $7.93 $5.61
3 $13.54 $8.86 $4.68
4 $13.54 $9.80 $3.74
5 $13.54 $10.74 $2.80
6 $13.54 $11.67 $1.87
7 $13.54 $12.61 $0.93
8 $13.54 $13.55 -$0.01
12 $22.80 $15.42 $7.38
16 – 1 lb. $22.80 $17.30 $5.50
20 $22.80 $19.17 $3.63
24 $22.80 $21.04 $1.76
28 $22.80 $22.92 -$0.12
32 – 2 lb. $22.80 $24.79 -$1.99
36 $35.63 $26.67 $8.96
40 $35.63 $28.54 $7.09
44 $35.63 $30.41 $5.22
48 – 3 lb. $35.63 $32.29 $3.34
52 $57.95 $34.16 $23.79
56  $57.95 $36.03 $21.92
60  $57.95 $37.91 $20.04
64 – 4 lb.  $57.95 $39.78 $18.17
Rates as of January 27, 2019
First Class Package
International Service
Stamps.com International Flats
Weight (oz) Zone 6
Southeast Asia/India
Zone 6
Southeast Asia/India
Savings with Stamps.com International Flats
1 $13.78 $6.99 $6.79
2  $13.78 $7.88 $5.90
3  $13.78 $8.76 $5.02
4  $13.78 $9.64 $4.14
5  $13.78 $10.53 $3.25
6  $13.78 $11.41 $2.37
7  $13.78 $12.30 $1.48
8  $13.78 $13.18 $0.60
12 $23.28 $15.01 $8.27
16 – 1 lb.  $23.28 $16.83 $6.45
20  $23.28 $18.65 $5.64
24  $23.28 $20.47 $2.81
28  $23.28 $22.29 $0.99
32 – 2 lb.  $23.28 $24.11 -$0.83
36 $36.81 $25.94 $10.87
40 $36.81 $27.76 $9.05
44 $36.81 $29.58 $7.23
48 – 3 lb. $36.81 $31.40 $5.41
52 $59.85 $33.22 $26.63
56 $59.85 $35.05 $24.80
60 $59.85 $36.87 $22.98
64 – 4 lb. $59.85 $38.69 $21.16
Rates as of January 27, 2019
First Class Package
International Service
Stamps.com International Flats
Weight (oz) Zone 7
Zone 7
Savings with Stamps.com International Flats
1 $13.06 $6.99 $6.07
2  $13.06 $7.88 $5.18
3 $13.06 $8.76 $4.30
4 $13.06 $9.64 $3.42
5 $13.06 $10.53 $2.53
6 $13.06 $11.41 $1.65
7 $13.06 $12.30 $0.76
8 $13.06 $13.18 -$0.12
12 $22.09 $15.01 $7.08
16 – 1 lb.  $22.09 $16.83 $5.26
20  $22.09 $18.65 $3.44
24  $22.09 $20.47 $1.62
28  $22.09 $22.29 -$0.20
32 – 2 lb.  $22.09 $24.11 -$2.02
36 $35.15 $25.94 $9.12
40 $35.15 $27.76 $7.39
44 $35.15 $29.58 $5.57
48 – 3 lb. $35.15 $31.40 $3.75
52 $56.53 $33.22 $23.31
56 $56.53 $35.05 $21.48
60 $56.53 $36.87 $19.66
64 – 4 lb. $56.53 $38.69 $17.84
Rates as of January 27, 2019
First Class Package
International Service
Stamps.com International Flats
Weight (oz) Zone 8
Middle East
Zone 8
Middle East
Savings with Stamps.com International Flats
1 $12.83 $6.99 $5.84
2  $12.83 $7.88 $4.95
3  $12.83 $8.76 $4.07
4  $12.83 $9.64 $3.19
5  $12.83 $10.53 $2.30
6  $12.83 $11.41 $1.42
7  $12.83 $12.30 $0.53
8  $12.83 $13.18 -$0.35
12 $21.61 $15.01 $6.60
16 – 1 lb. $21.61 $16.83 $4.78
20 $21.61 $18.65 $2.96
24 $21.61 $20.47 $1.14
28 $21.61 $22.29 -$0.68
32 – 2 lb. $21.61 $24.11 -$2.50
36 $33.01 $25.94 $7.07
40 $33.01 $27.76 $5.25
44 $33.01 $29.58 $3.43
48 – 3 lb. $33.01 $31.40 $1.61
52 $52.49 $33.22 $19.27
56 $52.49 $35.05 $17.44
60 $52.49 $36.87 $15.62
64 – 4 lb. $52.49 $38.69 $13.80
Rates as of January 27, 2019
First Class Package
International Service
Stamps.com International Flats
Weight (oz) Zone 9
South America/ Caribbean
Zone 9
South America/ Caribbean
Savings with Stamps.com International Flats
1 $13.78 $6.99 $6.79
2 $13.78 $7.88 $5.90
3 $13.78 $8.76 $5.02
4 $13.78 $9.64 $4.14
5 $13.78 $10.53 $3.25
6 $13.78 $11.41 $2.37
7 $13.78 $12.30 $1.48
8 $13.78 $13.18 $0.60
12 $23.28 $15.01 $8.27
16 – 1 lb.  $23.28 $16.83 $6.45
20  $23.28 $18.65 $4.63
24  $23.28 $20.47 $2.81
28  $23.28 $22.29 $0.99
32 – 2 lb.  $23.28 $24.11 -$0.83
36 $36.58 $25.94 $10.64
40 $36.58 $27.76 $8.82
44 $36.58 $29.58 $7.00
48 – 3 lb. $36.58 $31.40 $5.18
52 $59.38 $33.22 $26.16
56 $59.38 $35.05 $24.33
60 $59.38 $36.87 $22.51
64 – 4 lb. $59.38 $38.69 $20.69
Rates as of January 27, 2019

Stamps.com customers can access the service by selecting “First-Class Mail International Large Envelope/Flats” as the mail service inside the platform on a global delivery address.

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