Priority Mail Flat Rate® Padded Envelopes can hold up to 70 pounds, but they don’t always offer enough protection for fragile products. In response, BubbleFast — a family run business based in Gurnee, IL that sells shipping supplies targeted to the e-commerce community – has introduced a new product that lets you ship with Flat Rate Padded Envelopes as well as protect your products.
Scotty Stuffer — A protective shipping box that fits in Flat Rate Padded Envelopes
Company owners Mark and Robin Le Vine created the Scotty Stuffer™, a unique box designed to fit directly inside a Priority Mail Flat Rate Padded Envelope. The creation of the Scotty Stuffer resulted from a collaboration of many different sellers in the eBay community.
Grannie Annie Timbreza, eBay seller of Stuff-From-Hawaii, was looking for a method to lower shipping costs for the dashboard Hula dolls she sells across the U.S. She had been using regular boxes to ship her items, but wanted to look at other options to lower costs. She tested using Priority Mail Flat Rate Padded Envelopes, but the envelopes led to product damages. Her friend and fellow eBay seller, Scott Henshaw of Nanette’s Store, came up with the idea of a “box inside an envelope” — and the rest is history.
Save with Priority Mail Flat Rate Padded Envelopes
By shipping small products inside a Priority Mail Flat Rate Padded Envelope, you can save a significant amount of money. Here’s an example:
Traveler Coffee Cup – 1.0 lb. to Los Angeles to Florida – Zone 8
— $5.10 for Priority Mail Flat Rate Padded Envelope
— $6.20 for regular Priority Mail
$1.10 savings per shipment!
The Scotty Stuffer box complies with all USPS rules and regulations because the box design allows the padded envelope to seal with the regular adhesive. Remember, “If it fits, it ships!” The benefit of the Scotty Stuffer box is it adds extra protection inside the padded envelope. If your Flat Rate shipments need more protection, buy your Scotty Stuffer boxes today!
Scotty Stuffer Video
Watch the video below and learn how the Scotty Stuffer box fits into a Priority Mail Flat Rate Padded Envelope.
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