Now ship up to 70 lbs. with door-to-door tracking to over 200 countries.
GlobalPost has always been a great choice for affordable, hassle-free international shipping. We’ve recently made a number of improvements to the service while maintaining our existing pricing. Now you can use GlobalPost Standard for even more of your shipments to even more countries!
GlobalPost Standard Service Now Offers:
• Increased weight limit from 4.4 lbs. to up to 70 lbs.
• Expanded door-to-door tracking capabilities from 36 countries to over 200 countries.
What is GlobalPost?
The GlobalPost delivery network leverages partnerships with international postal operators as well as commercial carriers to offer worldwide delivery. GlobalPost services reach over 200 countries and territories and includes features not found in traditional international postal services.
There’s never been a better time to choose GlobalPost for your international parcel shipping.